La Cueva Ventana

The Window Cave
This was what sparked it all. La Cueva Ventana, otherwise known as The Window Cave was something that Victoria happened to stumble upon and could not let go. She was so amazed by the picture she saw that we were motivated to plan a trip around it! Originally our vacation was destined for Fort Pierce Florida, an annual migration to my grandfather's summer home. We decided to spice up the trip and head south first to Old San Juan, Puerto Rico. Our goal was to soak in the city, visit the cave, and get back on course to Florida. Visiting the window cave was an an unforgettable experience and easily one of the most breath taking views I've ever witnessed.
Our voyage was the first of the day. Whether it be Victoria's ultra precise planning or our first-day-of-school excitement, we were the very first ones in line. In fact, so early that our tour guide ended up leaving us alone in the caves to find our way back.....eerie. Oh and I might add he pointed out several creepy-crawly creatures on our way down complete with snakes, spiders and bats. Hands down the view from the cave was well worth the Indiana Jones inhabitants. It was even more incredible to soak up the moment together in private so that we could enjoy it just the two of us, without a line of tourists waiting to snap their pictures.